Monday, August 16, 2010

Cage dancing to Dread Zeppelin!

Band boys and gatekeeper girls . . .

Four of my favorite people who had never met before; Dario and Bobby came from Denver, Denise and Jennifer from Las Vegas.

the Siren, the Swanky, and Susan?

Sorry, Susan, I don't have a nickname for you- yet.

Welcome to California, Twinny.

Gatekeeper Twinny will not be constrained by petty regulation; extracting fundage is her only mission. (Well, not only - parenting Panda is full time as well.)

Cagemasters and gatekeepers . . .

When I'm Swilly Idle, the boundaries change. Redheaded Phedre, the cagemaster, is clearly pleased.
Below: the Siren and the Panda.

The great Dario Rosa on guitar

Three of the four nights featured our friend Dario Rosa and band (that's Cayucos local Tracy Morgan on drums). I first saw Dario in Telluride in 1999 in a band best described as Desi Arnaz on acid; his current style might be a bit less Latin, but it's even more fabulous.

Wet Zeppelin II

This is how the party starts: he jumps out of the Zeppelin just offshore, and surfs on in.

Band practice

Band practice