So much for daily posting, eh? Well, the weekend before last the Siren and I went to LA to hang with our Santa Monica peoples (Van, Kelly and Brian, yes) and see Dread Zeppelin at the House of Blues. I learned two things; that if calamari tastes a bit off you should throw it out and not let your loved one eat it, and that a great band benefits from a great sound system. I'm really going to have to step up sonically the next time they do a show for me, which is Sunday, Aug. 16 in Cayucos.
Last weekend I did a wine bar in Apple Valley, (the excellent Casa de Vino) followed by a house party in Hendertucky, NV (aka Baja Vegas) followed by biz meetings in Lake Havasu, AZ (actually onshore, to my relief) followed by wine and brilliant blather in Cottonwood. Above, I embrace my bestest friend Elvis Kokopelli, wielding the first "Stillman" (a mixological monstrosity I had no tongue in the concoction of) ever seen or tasted within a hundred miles of Graceland Southwest, Rest Area 51, Sedona Arizona!